Thursday, March 13, 2014

Team Bonding Events 2014

On 28 February 2014, the Admins from both EMRS Team 2 & 3 conducted a team bonding event from 2PM to 5.30PM with the objectives in mind to bond one and another and get to know each other better at the end of the day. Activities included games such as Charades, Word Game, Don't forget the lyrics and lastly half an hour sharing session.

The planning was done a week before the actual event and programme list was confirmed and approved 3 days before the actual event to ensure that we were prepared for that day. Safety briefing was also done before we kicked off the event.

On the actual day, we started off with Charades, where you will see people panicking and excited to act out the word for their group members to guess out the right answer within the time limit.

Then we moved on to the Word game, where representatives of each team has to create as many words as they can from a given word. For example, the word 'winner', 'Win' and 'New' can be listed. After a few rounds of Team 2 vs Team 3, we decided to include the Supervisors by inviting them to join us.
The last game - Don't Forget the Lyrics was the climax of the event. We spent days of preparation for this game, 291 slides were prepared and more than 10 songs were played and sung by the participants.

We tabulated the scores and Team 3 that won the game, but Team 3 shared their share the prizes with Team 2. This show that we are willing to share and closer than before!

We ended off the day with a memorable sharing session where we did a round of simple introduction of each person.

In conclusion, the event was a success because everyone got to know each other better and they were all very participative in the games and were enjoying themselves! They even suggested that we should have such an event every month!