Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Spelling Championship Finals 27 April 2013


Thoroughly entertained and booked up by the string of events we have had to handle, we have now come upon our very last one, the finals for the spelling bee.
The class and it's noise volume have now shrunken to its original size, like in the first few weeks of this stopover, as our new DBI classmates have left to their other stopovers. Coupling the change of manpower quantity is the minor shift in dynamics of this event. Like the preliminary rounds, the event situates itself at the Fairmont Ballroom, but this time, we are sharing the site, split in half, with another event.
With the endowed knowledge and spontaneous thinking that we have developed though the chain of events, even before we started planning for the finals, we felt quite calm and serene, ready for whatever we were about to encounter.
Much like the 2 other spelling bee rounds, primarily planned by ourselves and SPH, the objectives were clear just as they were straight-forward. It was a subtle combination of both the preliminary round’s location and the zonal round’s event structure. Though it sounds a little brag-ish, the planning was a piece of cake since we have already accustomed and tailored ourselves to handling the event, as we did before.
Onto the event itself, it was somewhat a spectacular conclusion to the national event. It was a little amusing to see the tenacity and intensity of the participants and audience rise as the primary school kids gradually descended from elimination, in utter disappointment. Circling past the slightly sinister observations, information on our roles and duties were conveyed impeccably, as was apparent through the success and execution of the EMRS class’ performance.

Riddled with a rush of nail-biting anxiety, it was down to the last few contestants. It is hard to imagine that these ‘kids’ are willing to put themselves in a flurry of discomforting emotions to strive for that phenomenal sense of joy and accomplishment. In a temporally locking, time-slowing moment, the last word was said and spelt. The winner emerged from ACS Primary School and he reigned in victor of his now nationally embellished accomplishment. Applause and relief slowly began to swallow the ballroom, slowly rinsing away as the competitors departed.

Just like that, our stay at EMRS has ended, ever so effortlessly. For the SBM students of the team, we will most likely be seeing each other at the MSC studio. Thus, proving to be another channel where we can work closely with each other again, as we have done so well together in EMRS.
Perhaps the biggest question any supervisor or companion would ask is “What did you take away from this stopover?” Well, here are some voiced opinions.
Feng Fang: Learning to step out my comfort zone, and attempt to speak English more often with my teammates.
Hui hui:  Housekeeping in EMRS taught me how to be a good maid.
Joanne: We get a good morning workout from dashing to class to not be late.
Hilariously entertaining and comically induced comments aside, and rather apparent through them, it can be seen that we have all bonded very well through our work and free time. It’s been a surprisingly fun, value-adding, and a blossoming experience with our friends and supervisors from both teams. As we have left, EMRS will always remain as a remarkable and highlighted memory of our poly lives.
To anyone, who is going, has been or is currently in EMRS, we can guarantee that you will have an extremely enriching and embellished time. Hope you will have as much fun as we had!
Extraordinary, entertaining and laced with an abundance of enjoyment and fun, EMRS not only gave or taught us the values we will come to keep, use or cherish, but it also gave us a staggering learning experience, diversifying us as people. Practically eclipsing over our now seemingly drab academic studies, we’re ready to take on the rest of our stopovers, heads held high, minds enlightened and hearts sated by the companionships that have embellished this stopover. EMRS is the best, really it is.